Preparation for Sacraments

Baptism and Baptismal preparation/Bautismo y preparación Bautismal.

La preparación bautismal en español para los padres y padrinos de niños de 6 años y menos se ofrece el primer sábado de cada mes desde las 9 am hasta el mediodía en el edificio de la Iglesia. Debe traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño a esta clase. Los bautismos se ofrecen todos los sábados del mes a las 9 am en la Iglesia (excepto el primer sábado).
La preparación bautismal para niños de entre 7 y 15 años se ofrecerá trimestralmente (febrero, mayo, agosto y noviembre) los lunes por la noche de 7 a 8 p. m. en el edificio de la Iglesia. Los primeros tres lunes del mes (se requieren tres clases). Debes traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño a clase.
La preparación bautismal para jóvenes adultos entre 16 y 18 años es parte del programa RCIC. Los adultos jóvenes que necesitan los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Primera Comunión y la Confirmación participan en un programa de dos años en el que reciben el Bautismo y la Primera Comunión en el primer año y la Confirmación en el segundo año. El programa se reúne los viernes por la noche de 7 a 8 pm desde septiembre hasta Semana Santa.
Los bautismos en inglés y la preparación bautismal se pueden organizar con el diácono Marty Sheehan (

Spanish language Baptismal preparation for the parents and godparents of children 6 years of age and younger is offered the first Saturday of every month from 9am until noon in the Church building. You must bring the child’s birth certificate to this class. Baptisms are offered every Saturday of the month at 9 am in the Church (other than the first Saturday).
Baptismal preparation for children between the ages of 7 and 15 will be offered quarterly (February, May, August and November) on the first three Monday evenings of the month from 7-8 pm in the Church building (Three classes are required). You must bring the child’s birth certificate to class.
Baptismal preparation for young adults between 16-18 is part of the RCIC program. Young adults in need of the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation participate in a two-year program in which they receive Baptism and First Communion in year one and Confirmation in year two. The program meets Friday evenings from 7-8 pm from September until Easter.
English language Baptisms and Baptismal preparation can be arranged with Deacon Marty Sheehan (

Godparents/Padrinos requirements

Requisitos para ser Padrino Católico:

•“Cada niño puede tener un padrino y una madrina, la palabra ‘padrinos’ se usa en el rito para describir a ambos”.

• Sólo es necesario un padrino. El padrino debe ser un católico totalmente iniciado (bautizado, confirmado, recibido la Eucaristía), tener al menos 16 años de edad y debe estar llevando una vida sacramental en armonía con la iglesia. El padrino debe estar dispuesto a aceptar la responsabilidad de ayudar a los padres a desarrollar la vida de fe del niño.

• El padrino no podrá ser el padre ni la madre del bautizado. Aunque las personas de algunas culturas a veces eligen varios padrinos, en realidad sólo se pueden ingresar dos nombres en el Registro Bautismal.

• Un cristiano bautizado y creyente de una iglesia o comunidad separada puede actuar como testigo cristiano a petición de los padres, pero también debe haber un padrino católico.

• Se debe invitar y alentar a los padrinos a asistir a la Preparación Bautismal para comprender mejor su papel como padrinos. Si son de otra parroquia, se requiere una carta de recomendación de su párroco.

Un padrino/madrina debe estar canónicamente libre para llevar a cabo este oficio de padrino/madrina. Esto quiere decir que los
católicos en un matrimonio invalido (es decir, no casados por la Iglesia según las leyes de la Iglesia) y aquellos cohabitando o en unión
libre (viviendo juntos sin el Sacramento del Matrimonio) no pueden ser padrino/madrina.

Requirements to be a Catholic Godparent:

 · “Each child may have a godfather and a godmother, the word ‘godparents’ is used in the rite to describe both.” · Only one godparent is necessary. The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed, received Eucharist), at least 16 years old, and must be leading a sacramental life in harmony with the church. The godparent should be willing to accept the responsibility of assisting the parents in developing the faith life of the child. · The godparent may not be the father or the mother of the one to be baptized.  Although people of some cultures sometimes choose multiple godparents, only two names can actually be entered in the Baptismal Register. · A baptized and believing Christian from a separated church or community may act as a Christian witness at the request of the parents, but there must also be a Catholic godparent. · Godparents must be invited and encouraged to attend Baptismal Preparation in order to better understand their role as godparents. If they are from another parish, a letter of recommendation from their pastor is required. A sponsor must be canonically free to carry out this office of godparent/sponsor. This means that Catholics in an invalid marriage (not married according to the laws of the Church) and those cohabitating (living together without marriage) cannot serve as a godparent/sponsor.

FIRST COMMUNION -A Child must be enrolled in Faith Formation for 3 years (Usually Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades) in order to receive the Sacrament during the 3rd year of preparation. Faith Formation Classes are available during the School Year. (September to May) and are for children 3 years through Confirmation (usually 14 years old or 8th Grade). After age 18, young people can make their first Communion through the R.C.I.A. program. Contact: Kathy Laskis 336-471-2117

CONFIRMATION – A child must be enrolled in Faith Formation for 3 years (usually 6, 7 and 8 Grades) in order to receive the Sacrament during the 3rd yead of preparation. Faith Formation classes are available during the school year (September to May) and are for children ages 3 years through Confirmation (usually 14 years old or 8 grade). After 18, young people can make their confirmation through the RCIA program. Contact: Kthy Laskis 336-471-2117

RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) – These classes meet during the school year and participants receive the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass the night before Easter each year. these classes are for adults (ages 18 and above) interested in finding out more about the Catholic Christian Faith. These people may choose to join the church or just gain information without obligation to join. This program is also for adults who were baptized, but for some reason never received communion or confirmation to finish the initiation process. Contact: Deacon Martin Sheehan (

ANOINTING OF THE SICK – If you or a loved one are sick or facing surgery please contact Father Gabriel at 704-254-5601 or Deacon Marty ( to set up a time and place for the Sacrament.